Performance introduction of d-sub accessories wholesale

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d-sub accessories wholesale

The performance of d-sub accessories wholesale, the first is the optical performance, in addition to the consideration of d-sub accessories wholesale interchangeability, repeatability, tensile strength, temperature and insertion times.

(1) Optical performance: For the optical performance requirements of d-sub accessories wholesale, insertion loss and return loss are the two most basic parameters.

InserTIonLoss, or connection loss, is the loss of effective optical power of a link due to the introduction of a connector. The insertion loss should be as small as possible, generally requiring no more than 0.5dB.

Return loss (reflection loss) refers to the ability of the connector to suppress the optical power reflection of the link, and its typical value should not be less than 25dB. In the actual connector, the pin surface is specially polished, which can make the return loss greater, generally not less than 45dB.

(2) Interchangeability and repeatability

d-sub accessories wholesale is a universal passive device. d-sub accessories wholesale of the same type can be used in any combination and reused, and the additional loss introduced is generally within 0.2dB.

(3) Tensile strength

For finished d-sub accessories wholesale, the tensile strength is generally required to be no less than 90N.

(4) Temperature

In general, d-sub accessories wholesale must be used normally at a temperature of -400C ~ 700C.

(5) Number of blockages

At present, d-sub accessories wholesale can be plugged and unplugged more than l000 times.

d-sub accessories wholesale
